This week I was able to start my journey in trying to get the explosion of my house model setup and working. As I did last time I was able to completely separate and shatter each piece of the build in order to then go through the process of adding force and creating the rendered explosion. The first step that I went through was messing around with the physics engine within Houdini to take a generated orb within the middle of the house with various mountain objects generated within it to give a more dynamic and rough look. With this generated shape I am able to generate the force outward to give out a overall launching force to make everything explode outwards like an explosion happened from the middle of the structure.
By creating this explosion effect I was able to complete one of the goals that I had in my last workload in which I wanted to essentially create a VFX of the building exploding. Alongside being able to generate this force with the orb it also allows me to fine tune each aspect to fit the desired explosion and decide on whether or not some aspects will stay together or explode outwards.